Parking fees
Monday-Friday regular price PLN 10/h
Monday-Friday Pcard price PLN 8/h
Saturday, Sunday, Holidays regular pricePLN 10/h
Saturday, Sunday, Holidays PCard pricePLN 8/h
Daily rate regular price PLN 100
Daily rate for online bookingPLN 85
Daile rate Pcard pricePLN 80
Park and go sightseeing online 5h for PLN 40
Lost ticket extra feePLN 40
monthly 24h PLN 490
monthly daily PLN 390
monthly nightly PLN 250
motorcycles PLN 240
weekly PLN 340
For those working or living in the vicinity of the Wawel car park, we suggest opting for parking subscriptions. If you are interested, please fill in the form- click here
5h for PLN 40 workdays, weekends
and holidays
Do you want to see all of Kraków’s attractions?
Park cheap and go sightseeing.
Planning a full-day trip?
Select the cheapest parking offer.
PLN 85 when booking online